When mighty forests cast their shade,
and stood in endless view,
From Canada the Gospel came,
in Pollard’s frail canoe.

Our fathers knew God’s wondrous works,
His love and firm decrees,
They praised within the wildnerness,
beside these inland seas.

That early church so frail of old,
was nurtured by their prayers;
And here across the widening years,
we join our praise to theirs.

Thy faithful hand O God has led,
Thy children on their way.
In this perplexing world be still,
Our wisdom strength and stay.

Now cleave our darkness with they flame.
Lord, send Thy living word,
That we may speak anew today,
The truth our fathers heard.

O grant Thy people gathered here,
Both fervent hearts and prayers,
That we may spread Thy truth abroad,
And give it to our heirs.

Praise to the Father and to the Son,
Praise to the Holy Ghost.
Praise God ye generations here,
Praise Him angelic Host.


Words by the Right Reverend Richard S. Emrich, Seventh bishop of the Diocese of Michigan

Edited to  Add

From the “Living  Church” August 13, 1961

A special hymn for the 1961 General
Convention has been written by Bishop
Emrich of Michigan, whose diocese will
be host to the Episcopal Church’s govern.
ing bodybwhen it meets in Detroit next
The hymn has been set to music
by Kent McDonald, choirmaster of St.
James’ Church, Birmingham, Mich.
Mr. McDonald’s work is an arrange.
ment of a chorale by the 18th-century
composer, William Tans’ur.



Old Photo

Old Photo

A few  things  have changed... The Minstrel's  Gallery had not yet been built The "Life of Christ"...