Music has always been an integral part of a Cathedral’s mission and ministry.
The Cathedral Music Society seeks to carry forth this great tradition through our active support. CMS supports the concert series at the Cathedral, including choral programs; provides for extra chorister education opportunities, including summer camps through the Royal School of Church Musicians; sponsors instrumentalists for special services; and allows for other opportunities as they arise.
We invite you to become a member of The Cathedral Music Society in one of the categories below. With each category, you may enjoy not only the associated musical benefits, but also the community and satisfaction that come with the knowledge that your tax-deductible gift, no matter how large, makes it possible for us to enrich, enhance, supplement, and further develop the music ministries of this Cathedral.
Friend – Gifts to $99
A gift in this category can help provide music theory materials for a chorister, or provide refreshments for a concert reception.
Sponsor – Gifts of $100-249
A gift in this category can buy a new anthem for the choirs.
Patron – Gifts of $250-499
A gift in this category can provide piano lessons for a chorister for one academic year or help to underwrite a concert.
Benefactor – Gifts of $500-999
A gift in this category can partially underwrite a concert, or send a chorister to summer camp (approx. $650 per child.)
Grand Benefactor – Gifts of $1000 and above
A gift in this category can help to sponsor instrumentalists, such as brass groups, for special services (typical cost $1,800-2,500), or send two choristers to summer camp.
To make a gift:
Checks can be made payable to The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, noting “Cathedral Music Society” in the memo line. Please send your response to:
The Cathedral Church of St. Paul
Attn: Music Office
4800 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48201
Gifts may also be made electronically though E-giving. Instructions and the giving platform can be found on this page. When you are asked to select a fund from the drop down menu, select “Cathedral Music Society.”
Upcoming Events sponsored by The Cathedral Music Society
Music at Midday
12:30 pm on the 2nd & 4th Fridays – Various artists join us for a short live concert on the Great Organ of the Cathedral. In person and streamed live on YouTube (click here, no login required). Check out the full schedule here.
God’s Trombones
Seven Negro Sermons in verse
Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
This dramatic reading of James Weldon Johnson’s beloved poetry cycle will include traditional African American spirituals and gospel songs sung by the Cathedral Choir.
Readers: Cooki Winborne and Arthur White
Suggested donation at the door: $10 (adults); $5 (students and seniors)
Music of Bach in March
The Art of Fugue
Friday, March 14, 7:00 p.m.
The Mendelssohn Bach recital of 1840
Jeremy David Tarrant, organ
Friday, March 28, 7:00 p.m.