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The Offices at 4800 Woodward Avenue
The Offices at the Cathedral house the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, the Southeast Michigan Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Cathedral and Chapter staff.
This Week at the Cathedral
The latest edition of the Living Stones Newsletter can be found here.
Catechesis is instruction in the basic doctrines of Christianity. This class meets Sundays, March 2 to April 6, 12:45–2:15 p.m. Suitable for those preparing for confirmation and reception, as well as those who are simply curious, this class will cover the Book of Common Prayer catechism, the history of the Bible, and the practice of Anglican liturgy. Attendees are asked to read An Outline of the Faith: commonly called the Catechism (Book of Common Prayer pages 845-862) in advance of our first meeting. A digital version is available at www.bcponline.org. You are welcome to bring a lunch.
Stations of the Cross
This devotion is offered at 12:10 pm on Fridays during Lent (March 7 through April 11).
Wednesday Evenings in Lent Toward a Radical Hospitality
What does it mean to be welcoming and inclusive? Join Father True and others for a deep dive into Christian hospitality. Join us at 7:00 p.m. each Wednesday in Lent (March 12 through April 9) for a series of presentations and discussions on a variety of topics. Each evening is preceded by Holy Eucharist, at 6:30 p.m.
March 12 – Overview: Looking In, Looking Out
The Very Reverend Tim True
March 19 – Spiritual Hospitality
Mary Grahame Hunter and Canon Jeremy David Tarrant
March 26 – Receiving Hospitality
Bren O’Connor
April 2 – Hospitality and our Episcopal Identity
The Reverend Halim Shukair, Christ Church Episcopal, Dearborn
April 9 – On Hospitality and Aesthetics
Dr. Elaine Belz
The Mendelssohn Bach recital of 1840
Jeremy David Tarrant, organ
Friday, March 28, 7:30 p.m.
From the Diocese of Michigan: For Times Like These
Cathedral Evensong for Transgender Day of Visibility
We observe Trans Day of Visibility with a service of Cathedral Evensong at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 30. The Reverend Toby Darrah, curate of St. Clare’s of Ann Arbor, will offer a homily during this contemplative service.

Sunday Services at the Cathedral
07:30 a.m. – Morning Prayer. In person.
08:15 a.m. – Holy Eucharist. In person.
11:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist. In person. Streamed Live on YouTube (click here, no login required).
04:00 p.m. – Evensong. In person. Streamed Live on YouTube (click here, no login required).
Weekday Worship
06:30 p.m. Wednesday – Holy Eucharist with the Litany of Healing
08:00 a.m. Thursday – Morning Prayer
08:00 p.m. Every Evening – Compline. Settle in for the evening by joining in Compline, Prayers at the End of the Day. Compline is streamed live on Facebook (click here, no login required). (No Wednesday Compline in Lent.)